Ecological Consulting
Birds Bush and Beyond takes on a range of projects with an emphasis on the conservation of woodland birds and their habitats, focussing on:
design and implementation of ecological monitoring projects and field surveys, especially around threatened species and communities,
development of landscape and species conservation management plans,
assessment of woodland ecosystems to provide strategic information on their management,
working with community groups, such as Conservation Management Networks and Landcare Networks, to establish and then carry-out bird and habitat monitoring programs,
providing specialist ecological advice to land managers
Example projects:
Practical Parrot Action Project – supporting the recovery of the threatened Turquoise Parrot (consulting for the Goulburn Broken CMA in north-east Victoria);
Monitoring woodland birds at a landscape-scale as part of the Australian Government-funded “Enriching biodiversity in the NSW Riverina Bioregion by managing the Travelling Stock Reserves network for nature conservation” project;
Conducting surveys of woodland birds to indicate habitat condition and change in the Barmah-Millewa forest - an icon site of The Living Murray Program; and surveying bush birds at ecological thinning sites as part of a large-scale NSW government research project.